RayRay Paints a Self-Portrait is an illustrated children’s book that centers on the experiences of families whose racial, ethnic and/or religious backgrounds mark them as “unconventional” in the eyes of mainstream media. The author of the book series, Surayyah Fofana, created the RayRay series because she wanted to give readers something she always wanted while growing up, but never got: an honest, embracing representation of diverse homes like her own.
Our Mission
The mission of the RayRay book series is encapsulated well by the dedication of RayRay Paints a Self-Portrait:
I want to dedicate the book to other “outsiders.” Kids who feel like they don’t have a place to “belong” or who don’t fit into society’s box.
Whether they are multiracial, neurodivergent, or still grappling with who they are, I want this book to serve as a reminder that they can make space for themselves and embrace being unconventional!
About Ray Fofana
Surayyah “RayRay” Fofana is an activist, dancer, writer and student with a full head of phenomenally curly hair. RayRay Paints a Self-Portrait is her first ever children’s book. It’s based on her own experience as well as those experiences of families and children whose racial, ethnic and/or religious background are a little more varied than what is typically represented in mainstream media. Surayyah is interested in raising awareness around all things tied to race, culture and diversity and creating a better, more inclusive world. She hopes this book can give readers an honest, warm and welcoming representation of a diverse home, much like the one she has had the pleasure of growing up in.
Ray as a child!
Ray now